What’s Happening at Good Shepherd
Scheduling Reminder If you need to make an appointment with Pastor Matt, please be sure to contact Stephanie directly at 607-723-8032 or at gs.binghamton@gmail.com.
Often when people come to speak with Matt after the service on Sunday, he’s already been working for over ten hours, and doesn’t always remember to put it into the calendar. This can cause double bookings, or forgotten appointments. Please keep in mind that the office is closed on Mondays. Thank you so much for your understanding.
Update and Announcements If you have an item you’d like to have announced on Sunday morning, or included in the update, please be sure to forward the item to Stephanie by Wednesday afternoon, and specify if you’d like it announced or just listed in the updates. It will then be edited and forwarded to Anne to announce on Sunday and/or added to the paper and digital update.
Human Sexuality and How to Engage with People with Different Views Many people at Good Shepherd have expressed a need to discuss how to handle topics of human sexuality in their everyday lives. Good Shepherd has asked Garry Ingraham from the Love and Truth project to come and speak during Christian Education on May 29th, 9:15am. This promises to be an interesting and timely discussion.
Anglican Church Women Meeting The ACW will be meeting on Saturday, May 14 at 11:15. They will be discussing the election of new officers and the next few months’ projects! The meeting will be followed by a potluck lunch. All are welcome!
Ongoing Ministries
“And as for your little ones…”
Vacation Bible School is coming August 1-4 from 6-8 PM. It is an opportunity not only for children of Good Shepherd, but especially for children in our community to hear the gospel clearly presented. It is also an opportunity for you to lend your talents to those children. The range of skills that can be used in Vacation Bible School are broader than you may initially think. Vacation Bible School can be a beautiful quick snapshot of the body working together, all parts having the same goal but accomplishing that through a great variety of tasks and time commitments. Please talk with Anna Dreher and tell her what you enjoy doing and when (during the months of June-August) you are available. Your skills and interests are perfect.
Children’s bulletins are available to help your children follow all parts of the service today. Please pick one up from an usher.
Health Fair and Ice Cream Social 2016. The Ice Cream Social will be held on June 11 from 12-3pm. This year all participants in the event are required to agree with our statement of faith; a change which we pray will both protect us from the inclusion of groups which would oppose our beliefs, and also provide a venue for us and for other bible- believing Christians to proclaim our faith in words and deeds while promoting health of body, mind, and soul. This change also demands that we ALL take part in this effort. Please ask yourself what you can do to help and who you know who might be willing to participate. This event will include health screenings and information, holistic health professionals, Christian groups such as the Salvation Army, haircuts, skincare, facepainting, dance and athletic demonstrations, children’s crafts, music, food, and much more! Please let me know how YOU would like to help!
Bread and Wine If you are interested in joining a group of moms for a monthly supper and discussion of women in the bible, please contact Liz Hull.
Health and Wellness Our bodies are “the tents” that the Lord has given us to house our souls. Begin to take care of the body which God Has given you. Check your blood pressure, blood sugar, and weight every Sunday in the Parish Hall 9-10AM. Please see Dolly Shaller or Carmen Swoffer-Penna for more details.
Good Shepherd Food Pantry The Bible tells us in Philippians 4 verses 4-9;11-13;&19 how God will supply all our needs if only we believe in him. In fact he doesn’t want us to be anxious about anything, such as what we eat, what we wear, or where we live.
However, when our expenses exceed our income we can have a really big problem! That’s when God can work through us, making sure that our member food pantry is well stocked with nutritious and healthy foods at all times. In that way, we can help meet one of those needs that God tells us about, and those who use it can feel mighty grateful.
Food Needs: Canned meats (tuna, Spam, Salmon), smooth, crunchy, or reduced fat peanut butter, canned fruits other than apple or cranberry sauce, instant potatoes (mashed or scalloped), small one or two pound packages of white or brown rice, one box meals, soups and stews, hot cereals (such as plain or flavored oatmeal, cream of rice or wheat), powdered milk and coffee creamers and anything else you’d like to bring.
Last Week
Last week’s sermon ‘The Meekness of Wisdom’ was based on James 3:13-18. It can be listened to or downloaded here.
Mission Group Discussion Questions
James 3:13-14
Main Idea:
Wisdom is demonstrated by good conduct with an attitude of meekness, not with bitter jealousy or selfish ambition.
- How does the culture we live in define wisdom?
- Is this the same wisdom introduced by James in verses 13 and 14? How are worldly wisdom and godly wisdom different?
- As introduced in verse 13, is godly wisdom purely intellectual or does it have a behavioral component? How do you know?
- How is this different than cultural wisdom?
- How does our culture view meekness and those who practice it? Why is meekness sometimes seen as weakness or cowardice by culture?
- How is meekness a strength, and not a weakness, for a believer?
- Compare and contrast the attitude of meekness with that of bitter jealousy or selfish ambition.
- Can good conduct be demonstrated with either attitude?
- Who is glorified by good conduct done with an attitude of selfish ambition or bitter jealousy? Who is glorified by good conduct done with an attitude of meekness?
- How are wisdom and understanding demonstrated when works are done with an attitude of meekness?
- What is the truth being referred to at the end of verse 14?
- How is boasting in bitter jealousy or selfish ambition being “false to the truth”?
- How does this section of James about wisdom connect to the previous section concerning the tongue?
- Can showing works in the meekness of wisdom be applied to how we speak? How?
- How does showing works in the meekness of wisdom look? What are some specific ways that it can be practiced?
Christian Education Last Sunday We discussed the ways American Individualism and Pragmatism have influenced the “liberal church” and the “seeker sensitive” church. You can listen to the class here.
Tuesday Morning This Tuesday’s Bible Study was called ‘Nothing Can Separate us from God’. It was based on Romans 8. You can view it here, or watch it below. Missed a study? You can catch up on the last month of the Tuesday morning Bible studies you might have missed here.
This Week
This week’s sermon is based on James 3:13-18.
Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. (James 3:13-18 ESV)
Team Corinthians is working on the altar this Sunday with Melissa Boeker.
The readings for this Sunday are: Acts 2:1-11 and James 3:13-18.
The PDF Bulletin for this Sunday’s 10:30 service can be downloaded here.
Have an item for the Update or an Announcement?
Email the secretary at:
by Monday night.