The Pharisee and Tax Collector
Dr. Lee Gatiss Luke 18:9-14
By Matt Kennedy Taking a break from our evangelism series, we discuss the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ focusing primarily on 1 Corinthians 15.
Can You Help? As Synod approaches, a few clergy have come up needing accommodations for the event. If you are interested in hosting one of these, please contact Stephanie in the church office. So far, we need housing for two….
By Matt Kennedy Taking a break from our evangelism series, we discuss the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ focusing primarily on 1 Corinthians 15.
What’s Happening at Good Shepherd Can You Help? As Synod approaches, a few clergy have come up needing accommodations for the event. If you are interested in hosting one of these, please contact Stephanie in the church office. So far,…
What’s Happening at Good Shepherd Easter Schedule Easter is on it’s way, which means that Holy Week Services are upon us. Here are the scheduled times for this year, with a brief description of what each service is about. Service…