The Royal Law and the Gospel
Matt Kennedy James 2:8-13
Dear Good Shepherd, This week has brought a mixture of blessings and trials. Many of you know that for the last two weeks I’ve been fighting back this awful cold that’s been going around. Every time I think I’ve beaten…
What’s Happening at Good Shepherd Shrove Tuesday Thank you Many thanks to ALL who worked to make the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Mardi Gras Celebration such a wonderful event! Everyone raved about the food and the children had fun…
Dear Good Shepherd, Wasn’t that thunderstorm on Wednesday night amazing? So often I’m overcome with the beauty and majesty of God’s creation. This is the time of year that we ‘garden nuts’ start planning for the new season of growth….
What’s Happening at Good Shepherd Dear Good Shepherd, This has been a busy week at the office. While we’re in this season of Lent, I hope that you’ll be joining me in taking quiet moments to focus on how we…
Mission Group Update The mission group that meets at the Carlton’s house on Monday nights will not be meeting this week. Please see Ben Murphy for more information. Bread and Wine If you are interested in joining a group of…