What’s Happening at Good Shepherd
Shepherd’s Bowl On August 9th, the Shepherd’s Bowl team that would normally serve is not available. All of the cooking is being covered. We are in need of servers and folks to help clean up during and after the meal.
If you have an extra hour on that day between 5 and 7pm, and would like to help, please see Steph or call the office. This would be a one-time service.
Kennedy Family Vacation The Kennedy family is taking their annual vacation. They’ll be enjoying some much-needed rest, and will return to Good Shepherd on August 20th. Although Matt will be here officiating the services for most of the Sundays, they are on vacation so please refrain from contacting them unless there is a medical/physical emergency. Tyler Van Fossen, the Pastoral Assistant will be available for meetings during this time, and the church office will remain open, and can be reached in all the usual ways.
Ladies Bible Study The ladies Bible study will begin a new study on Nahum next Saturday, August 4th. The study meets at 10am every Saturday morning.
Attention Parents – Children’s Chapel will not be meeting for the months of July and August.
The Teen Sunday School class will also be taking a break between July 29th and August 12th.
Church Donations Good Shepherd has always been a generous congregation and the vestry is so very thankful for your willingness to support the mission and ministry of this congregation.
You may not know this but while he easily recalls chapter and verse for randomly quoted bible texts, when it comes to keeping track of keys, wallets, cell phones, schedules, etc., Matt can be rather absent minded. This is important information because sometimes, when in a rush, people hand Matt checks for the offering. So far, he has not lost one. But Anne has found several crumpled in his pockets while doing laundry.
If you miss the offering, you can always give your tithe to the tellers after the service, or leave it off at the office, or mail it in. Thank you so much for all the ways you give to build up the church.
Potluck Next Sunday (August 5th) is the first Sunday of the month, which means it’s time for another potluck. This month, the theme will be Back to School. Bring a dish of your favorite go-to dinner on those busy weeknights when you barely have time to throw something together! Please come and enjoy lunch even if you don’t bring anything.
Following the potluck, there will be an informal gathering at Salt Springs Park in Montrose, PA. Whether you are new to Good Shepherd, or a long-time member, please consider bringing a chair or blanket and coming to hang out. There will be space to visit, hiking, and an assortment of activities. This is a great opportunity to get to know each other outside of Sunday morning worship. If you’d like to go, but need transportation, please contact the church office.
Congratulations! Vishal and Diti P. welcomed baby Avi earlier this week. We are so thankful for a safe and successful delivery of this sweet baby boy and are eager to get to know the newest member of Good Shepherd! If you’d like to bring a meal to the family, please see Christine O. or go to www.TakeThemAMeal.com/ALWI6724.
Did you Know? Tithes can now be given by text message. You can text ‘give’ to 1-607-882-6551 and tithe seamlessly. Here is a link to a nifty list of commands at Breeze’s website if you’d like to specify how your contribution is utilized.
Ongoing Ministries
Good Shepherd Youth Group, ages 12-18, is run by our pastoral assistant, Tyler Van Fossen. They will be taking a break this summer from their regular meetings but will officially resume meeting regularly in Fall 2018 on Sunday nights at 6:30PM for a time of prayer, teaching, and games.
However…during this summer break there will be an exciting day trip to Arrowhead Bible Camp! This day trip will be filled with work projects, a picnic, bible study, swimming, and games. It will be on August 7th, from 9AM to 9PM.
Please contact Tyler Van Fossen if you’d like to know how to help or be involved in the Good Shepherd Youth Group in any way.
Bread and Wine If you are interested in joining a group of ladies for a monthly supper and discussion, please contact Liz Hull. The group is currently studying a book called Money, Possessions and Eternity, by Randy Alcorn. The next meeting will be in August, at the Hull home. Exact date TBA.
Mission Groups Locations will be changing throughout the summer. See, call, or text Ben Murphy for details each week.
Good Shepherd Food Pantry In Deut. 15:7-11, the Bible talks about how we should behave to the needy among us. How we shouldn’t be hard-hearted or tight-fisted but open-handed, and freely giving of whatever is needed. That applies to our pantry as well. When we open our hearts and give freely, our members who use the pantry benefit from our generosity. Therefore, before your next shopping trip, please prayerfully consider picking up something healthy for the pantry.
Needs: Canned vegetables and fruit, sweeteners, canned chicken or other meats, cereals (hot and cold), canned or boxed juice, macaroni, rice in 1 lb bags, pasta sauces, powdered milk, one box dinners, macaroni and cheese, canned foods like ravioli, jello or puddings (sugar-free and regular).
Good Shepherd Food Pantry When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and through the Red Sea, God provided for all of their needs. He gave them manna and quail to eat, and water to quench their thirst. He provided all for his people. Can we, his faithful servants do anything less? Just by providing for our members who find it hard to make ends meet, we are indeed doing the work that God has given us to do. So, as always, when you are shopping at any store that carries food, please remember our pantry, and prayerfully consider buying something to help stock it. The members that utilize it are so thankful when you do.
Needs: Cooking oils or sprays, rice in 1 lb bags (brown or white), canned meats and tuna, powdered milk and coffee creamers, cereals (hot or cold), sugar or low-calorie sweeteners, canned fruit and veggies, pasta and sauce, juice, salad dressings and condiments (mayo, mustard, catsup), soups and stews, and anything else you’d like to bring.
Last Week
Last Week’s Christian Ed was called ‘Heaven and Hell, the New Jerusalem’. This is the second class in our Christian Education series, “Heaven and Hell”, in which we discuss misconceptions about both, the popularity of “heavenly tourism” books, and what the bible tells us about life after the death of the body. It can be listened to or downloaded here.
Last Week’s Sermon was based on John 3:4-3:8 and was called ‘Born Again by Water and Spirit’. It can be listened to or downloaded here.
Miss a sermon? You can catch up on many of the previous sermons here.
Preventing Grace Podcast Did you know that Matt and Anne have a podcast? They talk about everything from church polity to rustic breads. In this week’s episode, ‘A Debt-free, Tattoo-free, Podcast‘ Matt and Anne Kennedy discuss their various travels, adventures with WOW Air, teaching children self-control, and the latest horrors in The Episcopal Church.
You can catch up on all of the older podcast episodes here.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study This Tuesday morning’s class was canceled.
The Tuesday Morning bible study will be canceled for the duration of the Kennedy vacation, resuming on August 28th.
This Week
This Sunday’s Sermon will be based on John 3:9-15.
Nicodemus said to him, “How can these things be?” Jesus answered him, “Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you do not understand these things? Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen, but you do not receive our testimony. If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things? No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.
Team Corinthians is working on the altar this Sunday.
The readings for this week are 2 Kings 2:1-15 and Ephesians 4:1-16.
Karen B. will be serving on the altar guild this Sunday.
Jamie H. will be working in the nursery this Sunday.
Shepherd’s Bowl Team 5 is serving with Michael and Martha Rice (8/2).
To download a PDF of the 10:30 service bulletin, click on this link.
Have an item for the Update or an Announcement?
Email the secretary at:
by Monday night.